Sam Clovis and Donald Trump Clovis Joined Trump Campaign August 2015August 2015: Clovis Joined Trump Campaign. According to Politico, “Clovis first bet on Rick Perry in Iowa, but he bailed when the former…
Rick Gates
Rick Gates And Donald Trump Gates Joined The Trump Campaign Through Paul ManafortApril 2016: Manafort Brought Gates On Trump Campaign. According to Politico, “The pair join another former Manafort lobbying partner named…
Paul Manafort
Paul Manafort and Oleg DeripaskaBefore he joined the Trump campaign, Paul Manafort had a longstanding business relationship with aluminum magnate and close Putin ally Oleg Deripaska. In addition to working as a…
George Papadopoulos
Despite His Lack Of Experience, Papadopoulos Was A Foreign Policy Adviser To The Trump And Ben Carson Presidential Campaigns
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